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Ryedene Primary and Nursery School

Religious Education

At Ryedene Primary School, we provide a well-balanced RE curriculum which encourages curiosity, respect and self-reflection. 

Our lessons have been moulded to encompass all of the requirements of the National Curriculum for Religious Education. 

Teaching RE involves religious beliefs, cultural identities, exploring different faiths as well as British Values.  

At Ryedene, we follow the Essex Agreed syllabus for Religious Education which helps the children learn from religions as well as about religion.

The current RE scheme of work covers the six major world religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism and Buddhism.

RE plays an important role in preparing pupils for adult life and lifelong learning. It helps children and young people become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

It gives pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding to discern and value truth and goodness, strengthening their capacity for making moral judgements and for evaluating different types of commitment to make positive and healthy choices.

At Ryedene, we follow a clear progression of skills in RE.