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Ryedene Primary and Nursery School

The Ryedene 30

Here at Ryedene Primary School and Nursery, we believe in not only growing young minds into great learners but also growing children into being the best person they can be. We offer a wide range of after-school clubs to give our children as many experiences as possible to engage in sports and activities they otherwise may not encounter and to also make new friends outside their class and/or year group.

To compliment this, we have started the ‘Ryedene 30’. Through this programme we seek to encourage children to take part in the wider life of the school in order to help them ‘grow’ as people. The children have 30 challenges to achieve during their time with us from Reception all the way to Year 6. Each challenge needs to be completed three times during their time at Ryedene.

At least once every half term, the children will have a chance to talk about the ‘Ryedene 30’ with their classmates, applying the tick stickers to each challenge achieved.

During each academic year, individual rewards will be given out on a weekly basis and achievements celebrated with bigger rewards and treat afternoons for those who have gone that extra mile at the end of the year!