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Ryedene Primary and Nursery School


At Ryedene, our English curriculum is designed to equip and develop children’s love of reading, writing and creativity. We strive to provide children with vocabulary rich texts that will spark their curiosity and enable them to communicate effectively through their writing. Our progression of skills across the school has been adapted to enable children to explore a range of different authors, cultures and texts to inspire children and expose them to a range of genres.   

Across EYFS, KS1 and KS2 we aim to:  

  • Develop a passion for reading where children can read fluently and comprehend a range of texts  
  • Expose children to vocabulary rich environments that improve linguistic skills 
  • Gradually build on and embed skills throughout the school so that children leave KS2 as confident, innovative writers   
  • Encourage children to write clearly and coherently for a range of different purposes and audiences   
  • Develop speaking and listening skills to allow children to express their opinions and ideas with confidence  

Ultimately, we aim to inspire and enrich the lives of our pupils through the creation of a bespoke English curriculum that supports and represents all children.